Sketch Writing Level 2 (online)


Students will learn how to craft, critique and analyze sketch comedy scenes, and what elements to consider when writing a sketch comedy show. The class will culminate in an online class show to be recorded via zoom and published via Harrisburg Improv Theatre's Youtube HITFlix.

The course will cover how to write a basic 4 page sketch, making sure all the dialogue and action is heightened and pays off. As the course progresses, students will learn how to use those elements to write more intricate sketches in their own comedic voices, and how to collaborate with others.

Each week students sketches will get a table read with the instructor and other students via Zoom, notes on those sketches with examples of how to improve clarity and comedy will be given to help students grow. After table reading there will be a short lesson and a new assignment. In addition to the class show, students will come away with at least 6 original sketches of their own. 


Sketch Writing Level 2 (online) Teachers: